Welcome to the LittlePeople Web Site

LittlePeople is the registered kennel name of Christine and John Hadley.
For information on kennel names see The Kennel Club

We occasionally have Tibetan Terrier Puppies for sale.

Rhoni at the TT Congress 2007

Khados Lucy Locket among LittlePeople
at the TT World Congress 2007
where she got a third place and qualified for Crufts 2008.

Rhoni and Puppies 11th March 2011
Mother and pups - this is a partial answer to the question below - they are adorable.

Rudolph and Rhoni with Daisys pups

Uncle Rudolph and Grannie Rhoni help look after Daisey's puppies.


Why Tibetan Terriers?

Over the years Chris and John Hadley have had several dogs. Having a dog and going out to work has never seemed a good idea, so when John took his doctor's advice and retired in 2006 a search for the right breed of dog started. The last dog owned was an Old English Sheepdog who died in the mid 1980s - a beautiful dog and a hard act to follow.

Chris had already been looking for some time (plotting for a couple of years) - also working on John to retire. She had been to 'Discover Dogs' at Crufts a couple of times and a short list was drawn up and John was told that they were going to have a Tibetan Terrier. Chris was looking for a breed that she could handle - not too big and strong - she has back problems and both Chris and John are not getting any younger. The Old English Sheep Dog had some influence. A suitable temperament was important. A moderate requirement for exercise was needed. The Tibetan Terrier ticked all of the boxes.

Looking around the area several 'local' kennels were found and Khados was chosen for a detailed look. Dave and Cheryl Johnson were very helpful and had a litter of puppies that would soon be available. A few visits later a puppy had been chosen.

The Tibetan Terrier is mis-named - it is not a Terrier - most people refer to them as TTs. The Kennel Club publishes the Breed Standard. As the name suggests the breed originated in Tibet; they are farm dogs, used for guarding, herding and general farm duties. There is a rumour that Tibetan farmers like their drink - the TT is said to be intelligent enough to keep them on the right track when droving, and to help them find their way home. TTs were introduced into the UK in the 1920s. They are part of the Utility Group.

The breed standard uses the word 'medium' to describe most features, with the coat described as 'long'. The temperament is described as outgoing, alert, intelligent and game; neither fierce nor pugnacious; sparing of affection to strangers.

Khados Lucy Locket was collected at the beginning of November 2006. She is the best dog in the world. The Littlepeople Kennel now has three of the best dogs in the world - we kept two of Rhoni's first litter (one was planned and the other was fate).

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