Pups and Mating
This page is being constantly updated - last major revision 22nd june 2012.
Before buying a puppy look at the The Kennel Clubs's Canine Code.
Daisy (Littlepeople May Daisy) was mated on the 27th May 2012. The pups are due on the weekend of the 28th, 29th July 2012.
All our puppies are now gone - 30th September 2012.
26th July 2012 - a few days early.
Four puppies - about 4 hours old. 2 boys and 2 girls. 3 sable and a black and tan.
30th July 2012. The colours are starting to be more distinct.
20th August 2012. Top to tail. Two boys on the left and two girls on the right. If they were awake you would see that their eyes are open and they are starting to see. They have taken their first, wobbly, steps.
30th August 2012. Tired out after a serious play session.
Zoe has been fighting a urine infection since she was a few days old. On Saturday morning (8/9/12) she took a serious turn for the worst and we had to let her go after six weeks of fighting. The vet thinks that her kidneys had failed. She was my favorite. RIP.
9th September 2012 - Uncle Rudolph and Granny Rhoni play with the pups.
Rupert (Cloudbuster Heartthrob) - the sire of the litter.
Pup 4 and two of his new family. He is going to join his uncle Pip.
From left to right - Ben, Janice, Rudolf, Daisy, Cathryn (with pup4), and Rhoni.
Pup 2 and his new family. He will be moving in with Jo and Matt.
Beren (Pup 4) and his Uncle Pippin. Settling in nicely.
Beren 18th January 2013
Pictures will be posted on this web site of mum and puppies as they progress. Keep looking.