LittlePeople May Daw



Rudolph looking pleased

Rudolph looking pleased with himself.

Rudolph and Ben

Rudolph and Ben (part of Pippin's family) at the 2010 TTA Fun Day.


Rudolph at the window

Rudolph likes looking out of the Window.

Rudolph Yawning

Its tiring being Rudolph.

We thought Rudolph had a hearing problem. He seemed not to react to noises, and only react to the other pups. We took him to the AHT in Newmarket and had him BAER tested. His hearing was fine - he is too layed back. For those who are interested his BAERGRAPH is shown below.

Rudolph Baergraph

The graph shows a trace of the neural responses for the left and right ears. Each peak shows a response from the outside world to the brain. The test are simple, fairly quick, not intrusive, and painless.

Rudolph had a hip-score X-Ray when he was 12 months old.

Rudolph Hip Score X-Ray